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Business hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00a to 6:00p
Friday 9:00a - 12:00p
We are closed Monday - Thursday from 12:00p to 1:00p for lunch
COVID 19 Health Precautions
Rest assured, we are taking every measure possible to keep your children and our staff healthy.
We are offering teletherapy and in-person appointments for both new and existing clients.
If you choose to have your child seen in the clinic, we have made the following adjustments, keeping everyone's safety at top of mind at all times. :
Please let us know if you want your therapist to wear a mask with your child.
To reduce the risk of extra germs, all parents must wait outside in their cars during their child’s session or in the curbside seating provided.​
We are following routine cleaning protocols.
We will continue to follow CDC guidelines and monitor and adjust as according to those guidelines.
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